
Showing posts with the label but they would not rise again. Because of their faithfulness


THE GREAT FLOOD - A WORLDWIDE BAPTISM (Genesis 6-8) God was mad at what man had become; He wanted to cleanse the earth, So he planned a worldwide flood, In a sense it would be a new birth. In the days before the flood, People did their usual things. They ate and drank and married, And enjoyed the good that life brings. But they had turned away from God; They were sinful in every way. And though they were unrepentant, Their sins would be washed away. Only Noah and his family were faithful, So God spoke to Noah one day. He said He had a project for him; The instructions He began to convey. God’s request may have seemed foolish; Noah was to build an ark. God told him the specifications, And to build it from cypress bark. Noah had never seen an ark. And couldn't fathom that much rain. His neighbors surely made fun of him; Thinking he was insane. At 500 years, Noah had three sons, Japeth, Ham an