
Showing posts with the label This two-part story of The Prodigal Son and The Unforgiving Brother teaches us to trade bitterness and jealousy for mercy and forgiveness.


A WELCOME HOME CELEBRATION (Based on the parable of The Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-24) There was a man who had two sons, The youngest said to his Father, “Give me my share of your estate.” His dad said, “Sure, it’s no bother.” The  son quickly packed up and moved — Set off for a country distant. He w asted his money on riotous living, Then his friends were gone in an instant. Famine hit the countryside, The son was in need of food, So, he took a job on a farm; The food he fed pigs looked good. He finally came to his senses, And decided he would go back. He would ask for a job and forgiveness; For food there would be no lack. His father saw him coming; He was filled with concern and love. They hugged, and the son asked forgiveness, From his dad and his Father above. The dad then gave him a robe and a ring, And a dinner where food did abound, For his son wh