
Showing posts with the label A Biblical guide to firing an employee.


THE TERMINATOR AND THE TERMINATED by Becky L. Wall Firing an employee and being fired: Since this article is Bible-based, I want to focus on the issue of firing employees of a church or church-related organization. A great number of people, most of which are ministers, have been dismissed. The principles within scriptures outlined here also apply to other businesses and organizations. Many of the people who were fired never emotionally (and sometimes financially) recover from this devastating experience. Being fired is one of the highest occurrences on the stress scale. Those doing the firing often agonize over how best to proceed. So, my intention for this Bible-based article is to help firees heal, to educate those doing the firing, and to help other church members determine the wrongs and rights of the situation. Firing and being fired dates back to the church’s infancy. Mark, also known as John Mark, one of Jesus's followers and helpers, was fired by the Apostle Pa