
Showing posts with the label Job is the poster boy for faith through trials and tribulations.


SORE NO MORE In the land of Uz lived Job, Who loved God and hated evil. Satan decided to test him, By bringing his life upheaval. Job had prestige and riches, Yet he was a family man. No one or nothing had brought him down, But the devil thought, " I can." One day when angels went to God, Satan tagged along. "Where'd you come from?" said the Lord. For Satan didn't belong. "Have you seen my servant Job?" God said to the devil that day. "He is upright and blameless," God said in His loving way. "He serves you only for the gain," Sneered Satan without disgrace. "If he loses those things most precious to him, He will curse you to your face." The Lord had faith in Job, So He allowed him to face this test. Satan would try to bring him down; He was eager to begin his quest. Job's animals we