Showing posts with label Shadrach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shadrach. Show all posts


(Daniel 1:7, 2:49, Ch.3)

 Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego,
Were fine young Hebrew men.
But when Babylon captured Judah,
They were taken captive then.

The king was Nebudchanezzar,
He was arrogant and full of pride.
He built an idol 90 feet high,
Which measured 9 feet wide.

 The king issued a decree:
When a musical instrument was heard,
All hearers should bow to his image of gold;
The three thought the law was absurd,

So the three young men refused to bow,
For the idol had no power.
They chose to be faithful to God;
They weren’t about to cower.

 The men were quite obedient,
But not to the earthly king.
Though their faith was very impressive,
What trouble it would bring.

 A furnace was prepared for them.
And the fire made seven times hotter.
When their guards got close to the heat,
One could clean them up with a blotter.

 Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego,
Fell into the blazing fire.
Their unyielding faith got them there;
Such faith we can only admire.

Though three men fell into the fire,
The people counted four.
The men were not even scorched,
Or the clothing that they wore.

 The fourth man in the fire,
Appeared to be divine.
Whether an angel or Christ Himself,
Either way, the men were fine.

 The men were friends with Daniel,
Whose faith was also proven,
For he was thrown in a lion’s den.
But God kept their mouths from movin’.

 Few must prove their faith,
In such a dramatic way.
But the least that we can do,
Is trust the Lord and obey.

Becky L. Wall

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