
Showing posts with the label Elijah has all the classic symptoms of depression


NOTE: Look for all the signs of depression in this story: withdrawal from friends and family, sleeping too much, loss of appetite, hopelessness, a death wish, preoccupation with the same negative thoughts, loss of enthusiasm, self-pity and despair. But also note that the end of Elijah’s depression came when God, the greatest psychologist, gave him hope and a mission. Everyone needs hope and to feel productive and we all need to be needed. ELIJAH FIGHTS HIS TOUGHEST BATTLE: DEPRESSION (I Kings 19:1-18) Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah-- 'fore tomorrow’s end drew nigh! Elijah was so afraid of death, That he just wanted to die. He had endured many trials, With courage, strength and honor , But now that he faced Jezebel, He thought he was a goner. He ran for his life to Beersheba , And left his servant there. In the desert he prayed for death ; His problems were too much to bear. He told God frankly he’d had enough, And begged Hi