
Showing posts with the label God in the details

The Overturf Family's Easter Day Car Wreck

THE OVERTURF FAMILY'S  EASTER DAY CAR WRECK   I want to begin with a short excerpt from my view of the family history and finish up with another excerpt. The two eventually tie together and show how God has worked in my family’s life. I probably ought to mention that I came from a family of 10. Two of our siblings (We call them brother and sister) are really our cousins (one now deceased). Mom and Dad took them in and raised them when their mother committed suicide and their father abandoned them. All eight of us kids were only 11 years apart in age. Those already born were 6, 5 and 2 (twins) when our two cousins, 5 and 6 (?), came to live with us. We lived in a three-room house. The family would grow by two more. Naturally we made several moves seeking a big enough home. We “big” kids would take walking trips around the town of West Frankfort where we were living. We were very young and Mom was sometimes unaware of the places we were touring. And yet it was one of those trips th