
Showing posts with the label Daniel gets thrown in the lion's den


THE MAN THE LIONS COULDN'T TAME (Daniel 6) Daniel of Judah was captured, When God’s remnant refused to obey. Taken to Babylon, now Iran, For 70 years they would stay. Daniel was taught to serve the king; He was strengthened in every way. But when brought the king’s food and wine, He refused to eat that day. The food and wine he was offered, God had deemed “unclean.” So Daniel was defiant — Not unusual for one just sixteen. Daniel discussed with his captors; What he would put in his gullet. When the veggie-only diet worked, One could say he dodged a bullet. At the end of the set 10 days, Daniel was smarter and stronger. So he was admired by many, And he feared his food no longer. Daniel was liked by the king; He was handsome, smart and strong. He could also interpret visions and dreams; In fact, he could “do no wrong.” So the king declared him prime minister; His appointment caused much strife. Jealous men devised a plan, Intended to end his life. Administrators and lesser