Showing posts with label The tongue can be used for good or evil and gossip is evil and destructive.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The tongue can be used for good or evil and gossip is evil and destructive.. Show all posts



The tongue can be so dangerous.
It causes many such strife.
And if the  gossip is good enough,
It can even ruin a life.

Gossipers don’t bother with facts,
They invent them as they go.
They embellish, enhance, twist, and shock,
And cause a person much woe.

Gossipers cause dissension;
They separate close friends.
They can never keep a secret,
And they can never make amends.

The damage they do cannot be undone;
When they talk behind someone’s back.
They don’t withhold any detail.
And for details they have no lack.

Their tongues wag on and on,
As they seek to tell anyone.
If they run out of things to tell,
To another they will run.

They are known as busybodies,
But not in the sense of labor.
God considers them wicked,
For they cause much harm to their neighbor.

A gossip can hurt someone’s feelings,
Or ruin a person’s reputation.
If the gossip comes from one with power,
It can change the course of the nation..

Keep a bridle on your tongue,
You might even zip your lip.
We will give an account for every idle word,
So don’t let one tidbit slip.

Becky Wall

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