Students cannot be spiritually fed,
Prayer has been banned from schools.
The Bible cannot be quoted
For that is against the rules.
For decades we've killed the unborn,
All in the name of choice.
Millions and millions have lost their lives,
And our nation won't give them a voice.
We have welcomed other gods,
Tho' before we had only one.
They'll be courted and protected,
Until our country they've won.
We've taken God out of government;
He is no longer our King.
Church and state are separate;
Freedom may no longer ring.
God made male and female to join,
A fact oftentimes ignored.
The bond of marriage has changed;
Our government cut the cord.
God made male and female to join,
A fact oftentimes ignored.
The bond of marriage has changed;
Our government cut the cord.
Just how long is God's fuse?
For He built this prosperous nation.
But little by little we see it collapse,
Much to the devil's elation.
God promised He will be our God,
As long as we serve only Him.
But our nation seeks to banish God,
And our future looks very grim.
Other gods or the one true God;
Christians must take a stand.
God's patience is surely wearing thin,
With each time that He is banned.
We must act while there is still hope;
The nation must choose this day,
Or we will be destined to witness,
The death of the U.S.A.
Becky Wall