
Showing posts with the label recreational sex and Russian Roulette.


ARTIFICIAL FUN Wasting time and money, A man chugs down each beer. The next day finds him miserable, From way too much canned “cheer.” A kid got high on drugs; How high we’ll never know, For he was buried by his folks; He’s now six feet below. Unbridled sexual pleasures, Sought by selfish boys, Bring pregnancy or disease, To girls used much like toys. It was just a game they played-- Russian roulette with a gun. But the laughter died forever, All in the name of “fun.” True happiness is lost, To a lack of self-control. A life of artificial fun, Can ruin a mortal soul. So, if you’re seeking joy, And love and peace without measure. They come with self-denial, And not by seeking pleasure. Becky Wall