If time were
spent like money, how would you be found spending yours? Time can be spent the
same as money: You can make it, gain it, owe it, budget it, invest it, tithe
it, be behind in it, have none, be generous with it, be greedy with it, or
spend it on pleasures. You can even steal time (from your other endeavors). But
the worst one can do with time, as with money, is to waste it.
management is one of my weakest attributes. I am often selfish with my time. At home I
do those things I want to do before those things I should do. I do the things I
want without hesitation, but I waste time getting to those things I ought to
do, then waste time while doing them. My spirit is willing but my flesh is
weak. Or maybe it’s my mind that’s weak – or maybe even my character.
There is a
saying that goes, “You’ll never find time for anything; you must make it.” We
usually make time for those things that are most important to us. The amount of
time spent on someone or something is a measure of our devotion to that person
or cause.
We can
measure our devotion to the Lord the same way. Do you cheerfully tithe an ample
portion of your time to the Lord in Bible study and prayer? Are you spending
time with your loved ones and tending to the needs of the poor and lonely, as
God commands?
Are the
things that are important to God important to you? When you daydream about how
you will spend your spare time, to what does your mind travel? When you are
counting the minutes until your job or other obligations are met, to what are
you drawn? Does it meet with God’s approval?
Time spent at
work is an obligation, not a gift; no love is involved. Even time spent at
church can become an obligation. The attitude of the heart is the measure. Time
spent with God, or in meeting the needs of a neighbor or Christian brother in
order to please God, is a gift of
love and also a ministry, but is also the duty of man.
There is
great pleasure to be found in giving gifts to someone you love. When love is
involved, the gift is never given begrudgingly, like paying taxes. Giving your
time to someone you love or someone in need is often the greatest gift you
could give that person. There is joy in giving for both the giver and the receiver.
“Time is
money and money is time,” the old saying goes, but the emphasis is on money. To
God, your time is worth the most. Be careful how you spend yours.
--Becky Wall
--Becky Wall