Showing posts with label No matter how tortured you are by the evils of this world Christ can set you free and give you peace.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No matter how tortured you are by the evils of this world Christ can set you free and give you peace.. Show all posts



Jesus was in Galilee,
Where He tirelessly traveled about.
But then he crossed the sea, 
Where he sought one tortured man out.

When Jesus stepped ashore,
He was met by a man undressed.
For a long time he had lived in a tomb,
Because he was demon possessed.

When he saw Jesus, he fell at His feet,
With thousands of voices he yelled:
“I’m begging, ‘Don’t torture me, Son of God?”
For they knew the power Christ held.

There was one dominant demon,
But also thousands more.
So therefore when they cried,
Their voices would create a low roar.

The man had been freed from the demon before,
But it returned time and again.
Though he was guarded and chained hand and foot,
He could not be tamed by men.

The man was not always demon possessed;
At times he didn't have any.
He roared when Jesus asked him his name,
“Legion, for we are many.”

The demons begged Jesus to spare them the Abyss;
He gave no opposition.
They chose a herd of pigs as their home,
For their new home He gave permission.

When the demons came out of the man,
They quickly went into the herd,
The pigs went berserk and ran into the lake,
And were drowned as the demons transferred.

Those tending the pigs saw what happened,
They reported it far and wide,
The people went out to see the miracle,
That occurred when the pigs all died.

When they came to the hill, they found the man,
From whom the demons had fled,
He was fully dressed and in his right mind,
Demon-free and with Jesus instead.

Word was spread how the man had been cured,
Fear filled many a heart.
Instead of gratitude, the people were rude,
So Jesus entered a boat to depart.

Jesus seeks each of us out;
Though some may seem spiritually dead,
We can be freed from what tortures us,
And house Jesus in our hearts instead.

Becky Overturf Wall

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