
Showing posts with the label Abraham was told by God to kill his and Sarah's only son he had at 100. Abraham was faithful and obedient. Isaac did not run away once he figured out what was going on.


IN GOD THEY TRUSTED (Genesis 22, Heb. 11:19) Abraham had amazing faith, In a strength that is very rare. His faith would one day be tested, In a way few fathers could bear. God instructed Abraham, “Take your son for whom you care, Go to the land of Moriah, And sacrifice him there.” So Abraham saddled his donkey, Early the very next day. He took two servants and Isaac, his son; He obeyed without delay. They set out for the chosen place, So significant in this instance. It took three days to get there, Then he saw it in the distance. His servants stayed with the donkey, Then he told them as if he knew, “We will worship over there, Then WE   will come back to you.” Abraham carried the fire and knife, And Isaac carried the wood. Abraham never faltered; He had faith that God is good. On the way to the chosen place, Isaac became confused. “If we have the wood and fire, Where is the lamb,” he mused. “God will