
Showing posts with the label God wanted Elijah to prove He was the one true God. Elijah faced off against 450 false prophets. Guess who won the contest.

ELIJAH: 450 VS. 1

ELIJAH: 450 VS. 1 (Based on I Kings 18:16-40) The Israelites turned away from God, In the days of Jezebel. So Elijah, the prophet, said to them, “Follow God, or follow Baal.” But his words were met with silence, For the people couldn’t decide. God sent Elijah to prove to them, That in God they should abide. Elijah challenged Baal’s prophets, To see whose god was a liar. Each god would be offered a sacrifice; The real one would answer by fire. Four hundred fifty prophets of Baal, Were pitted against only one. But when that one was sent from God, The contest was already won. The idol’s prophets went first; Their god they began to hound. They begged from morning ‘ til noon, But they never heard a sound. Thinking it would help to dance, T hey danced themselves into a tizzy. But still they got no answer; All they got was dizzy. Elijah began to heckle the