“Tomorrow is the day I will change,”
You may often find yourself saying,
But if God does grant you another day,
Are you sure He will find you then praying?
Is repentance too hard or the time not right,
More convenient would be tomorrow?
It just gives Satan much more of an edge,
It is nothing more than time borrowed.
You ponder and plan and stew,
And meanwhile procrastinate.
Once today passes on, it’s today again,
And your plans all disintegrate.
Looking back is equally bad;
The past is not an elective.
Put it behind you, but learn from it,
For today is not retroactive.
Don’t plan for tomorrow when today will do,
Lest in your grave you are laid.
There is no time like the present,
For today is the day God has made.
If your pride is hard to swallow,
But the Spirit calls to you now,
Humble yourself, repent, be baptized,
My friend, "Why tarriest thou?"
Becky Wall