
Showing posts with the label This poem is based on the Old Testament story of Joshua conquering the city of Jericho and how he gets help from a city harlot who had faith in God.


(Joshua 2-6) Jacob is also called Israel. Twelve tribes made up his nation. Ten were tribes of Jacob’s sons, And two were sons by adoption. After the death of Moses, They camped on the river sand. On the far side of the Jordan lay Canaan, The long-awaited Promised Land. Joshua was the son of Nun, And also Moses’ aide. Through him God kept a promise, That had long ago been made. God told Joshua to cross the Jordan, Into the Promised Land. And if anyone tried to harm him, He would lend a hand. God first encouraged Joshua, To be courageous and strong, To study the law day and night, And be careful to do no wrong. Joshua ordered his officers, To go through the camp far and near, And tell the people to gather their needs; Their day would soon be here. In three days they would cross the river, Which all of the men would be fordin’ The women and ch