(Joshua 2-6)
Jacob is also called Israel.
Twelve tribes made up his nation.
Ten were tribes of Jacob’s sons,
And two were sons by adoption.
After the death of Moses,
They camped on the river sand.
On the far side of the Jordan lay Canaan,
The long-awaited Promised Land.
Joshua was the son of Nun,
And also Moses’ aide.
Through him God kept a promise,
That had long ago been made.
God told Joshua to cross the Jordan,
Into the Promised Land.
And if anyone tried to harm him,
He would lend a hand.
God first encouraged Joshua,
To be courageous and strong,
To study the law day and night,
And be careful to do no wrong.
Joshua ordered his officers,
To go through the camp far and near,
And tell the people to gather their needs;
Their day would soon be here.
In three days they would cross the river,
Which all of the men would be fordin’
The women and children of 2 1/2 tribes,
Would stay east of the river Jordan.
The people pledged allegiance to Joshua,
To obey him until their last breath.
Because anyone who did not,
God would put to death.
Joshua sent two spies to the land,
Where he’d spied 40 years before.
Back then the people were short of faith;
This time they were ready for war.
The spies were to scout out Jericho.
They would stay at the house of a dame.
She had a poor reputation;
Rahab was her name.
Someone snitched to the king,
That the spies were there that night.
The king sent a message to Rahab,
To bring the men into sight.
She told the pursuers the men left at dusk.
Who they were, she did not know.
But if they wanted to catch the spies,
They should hurriedly go.
Meanwhile the spies were on the roof,
Under plants spread out to dry.
Their foes were on a wild goose chase,
So the spies had no fear they would die.
Rahab told of her people’s great fear;
When they heard God dried the Red Sea,
And that nations had been destroyed;
They hoped He would leave them be.
Rahab expressed her faith and belief,
In the one true God they served.
She asked for kindness to her family,
Since she helped their lives be preserved.
“Our lives for your lives,” the spies’ replied.
”Though not one in your nation survives,
As long as you don’t tell on us,
We’ll spare your family’s lives.”
Becky Wall
We can learn a lot from Rahab, especially empathy for others. Just Trust God!