These are not truly my traits (ha) but are pretenses of the traits of Bible characters
I’m like Moses; I sometimes argue with God.
I’m like Noah; no one listens to me.
I’m like Elijah in a dark cave—depressed.
I’m like Joseph; life sometimes hands me a raw deal.
I’m like Deborah—ready to take on an army; don’t mess with me.
I’m like Gideon; I have no self-confidence.
I’m like Jacob; I’m a dreamer, but some of my dreams turn to nightmares.
I’m like Jonah; I sometimes have an attitude and when I do, I’m going the wrong direction.
I’m like Peter—sometimes hasty in speech and action.
I’m like John the Baptist; I sometimes wear tacky clothes.
I’m like Stephen; I sometimes make people angry by trying to do the right thing.
I’m like Solomon; I have spent much time chasing the wind but have found true happiness
lies in knowing God.
Becky Wall
lies in knowing God.
Becky Wall