
Showing posts with the label One mother's experience with each of five pregnancies and deciding to raise two other children besides.


The following article appeared in the May 8, 1994, issue of the Christian Standard: MOTHER’S DAY is a day our nation has set aside to focus attention on motherhood —o ne of the least appreciated of all professions, yet one of the most instrumental in shaping the world.   This occasion provides a special opportunity for children to honor their mother for sacrifices made on their behalf, and for fathers to turn their attention to the one who bore and nurtured their children. Unfortunately, abortion has cast a dark shadow on this most honorable profession.   Those of us who were born prior to the legalization of abortion may wonder if we would even be alive had abortion been legal when we were conceived.   With this thought in mind, I’d like to recount one mother’s story.   Her name is Eve. Eve had just been married a short time when she discovered she was pregnant.   They were poor, and so was the timing, but the couple accepted their fate and even looked forward to their