Showing posts with label If you want to hang onto your mate and wonder what you're doing wrong read this.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label If you want to hang onto your mate and wonder what you're doing wrong read this.. Show all posts



  1. COMMUNICATE. This is a big one.
  2. Tell her "Good Morning" when you awaken, good-bye when you leave, and at least "Hello" when you get home.
  3. Ask her how her day was. 
  4. Kiss her when you leave the house and when you get home.
  5. Tell her the highlights and lowlights of your day.
  6. Never humiliate her.
  7. Build her up; never make fun of her ambitions.
  8. Don't use her to get your laughs.
  9. Compliment her often -- and mean it.
  10. Don't use crude or filthy language in front of her. Show respect to her.
  11. Be truthful.
  12. Don't yell.
  13. Be a good listener. Don't focus on one point and ignore the other points.
  14. Don't begrudge the money you spend on her and/or the kids.
  15. Be the spiritual leader of the family.
  16. Don't show dislike for her meal(s).
  17. Buy her a present on special occasions such as Christmas, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.
  18. Don't oogle at other women. Ignore them. Have eyes only for her.
  19. Never make her walk behind you.
  20. Do your part in raising the kids.
  21. Include her in your activities when possible.
  22. Take her on a mini-vacation or short trip to a special place.
  23. Be transparent. Let her know where you are going and when you will return.
  24. Spend time with her and the kids.
  25. Don't criticize any part of her appearance.
  26. Pick up your clothes and put them where they belong.
  27. Don't cause her extra work.
  28. Help her with her work when you are truly free to do so.
  29. Don't put her way down the list of priorities. Certainly don't put sports first.
  30. Don't hang out with men of bad or even questionable character. 
  31. Don't often go to the bar after work instead of going home to your family.
  32. Don't complain about her little pretties when you have a garage or basement of man-type paraphanalia.
  33. Don't be pennywise and pound foolish. 
  34. Don't make decisions about the house, furnishings or children without consulting her first.
  35. Don't flirt. Reject any advances from women in any form. 
  36. Don't discuss your emotions with another woman.
  37. Don't run to help another woman out. Make a joint decision with your wife and taka her along. If taking her isn't possible, grab another man or make different arrangements.
  38. Go on walks with her; hold her hand.
  39. Always be gentle and kind to her and the kids.
  40. Show the kids respect.
--Becky Wall

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