
Showing posts with the label An attempt to define love. Appropriate article for Valentine's Day.


         February is the month that includes Valentine’s Day, a day to show love in a special way. The meaning of “love” grows broader by the day. From what I have seen, it is the most used and abused word in the English language, aside from God’s name. What a paradox when you consider God is love! But the meanings of the three forms of love mentioned in the Bible — agape (as God loves), phileo (brotherly) and eros (fleshly) — do not include some of the meanings we attach to love. We love our new outfit, we love ice cream, we love to go shopping. Perfect examples of how the word is used and abused are in the songs and sayings we hear: Love makes the world go ‘round Love is a two-way street Love the one you’re with Love child So how do we determine the real meaning of love? Even the dictionary fails to accurately define it. Webster describes it as strong affection or passion for someone or something. In my opinion, when the word “something