
Showing posts with the label A parody of Adam and Eve though one name and the dates and circumstances have been changed

Buck & Eve: In the Beginning

The following story is true. Only the names, dates, and circumstances have been changed.                   In the beginning was Buck . And God saw that Buck was lonely, so he made a deep sleep fall over him--which wasn't too difficult. God took one of Buck's ribs and made him a mate, and what a beauty she was! Buck woke up and cried, "I've been robbed--I mean ribbed!"   Then he took one look at God’s new creation and said, "Whoa, man! Wo-man.   That's it. I'll call her ‘woman.’   What a piece of work God made out of the flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones.”   And this all came to pass on the eve of the first decade, the eve of the first century, and the eve of the first millennium, B.C., so Buck called her "Eve" and it stuck. Little did Buck know that the name Eve also means the "mother of many, the giver of life."        Now Buck and Eve were placed on the bank of a beautiful lake called the Lake of Egypt. There