Every day I fix my hair,
My efforts are often defeating.
Makeup on, then off at night;
I would rather take a beating.
In heaven will be no spritz or spray,
I won’t have to curl my hair.
Makeup will be a thing of the past,
For my complexion will always be fair.
I won’t have to clip my nails;
My skin will not get dry;
I’ll have no varicose veins;
My mirror will not make me cry.
Wrinkles, stretch marks, and rolls of flesh,
No longer will cause me fear.
Dimples in unwanted places,
In a twinkle will disappear.
My sight will return--my hearing, too.
My joints will no longer ache.
I will never be down in the back,
And pills I won’t have to take.
So what if my clothes don’t match;
Or if my figure they flatter.
Brand names won’t mean a thing;
In heaven it just won’t matter.
My nose won’t run, nor will my hose;
When I eat, my stomach won’t pay.
Nature will have no hold on me;
Oh what a glorious day!
Becky Wall