
Showing posts with the label The Old Testament (Genesis) story about the first two people created and how they brought sin into the world.


THE FIRST SIN BROUGHT TO FRUITION (Genesis 2) Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, Lived in the Garden of Eden. They could eat the fruit of any tree, But the one in the middle was forbidden. Adam and Eve were both naked, And yet they felt no shame. Sin had not yet entered the world, Until the devil came.  As a serpent he was the craftiest, Of all the creatures God made. He could walk and he could talk, And with a forked tongue persuade.  He asked the woman if God really said, Not to eat from any tree. Knowing the answer, this was part of his plan; To keep man from being sin-free.  “The fruit of the trees we may eat,” said Eve. “But one we must deny. If we touch or eat from the tree in the middle, We will surely die.”  After laying the groundwork of his plan, The serpent told her a lie. The sneaky snake told the woman, "You will not surely die.”  “God knows that when you eat of it, Your eyes will be opened,