(Genesis 2)

Adam and Eve, the first man and woman,
Lived in the Garden of Eden.
They could eat the fruit of any tree,
But the one in the middle was forbidden.

Adam and Eve were both naked,
And yet they felt no shame.
Sin had not yet entered the world,
Until the devil came.

 As a serpent he was the craftiest,
Of all the creatures God made.
He could walk and he could talk,
And with a forked tongue persuade.

 He asked the woman if God really said,
Not to eat from any tree.
Knowing the answer, this was part of his plan;
To keep man from being sin-free.

 “The fruit of the trees we may eat,” said Eve.
“But one we must deny.
If we touch or eat from the tree in the middle,
We will surely die.”

 After laying the groundwork of his plan,
The serpent told her a lie.
The sneaky snake told the woman,
"You will not surely die.”

 “God knows that when you eat of it,
Your eyes will be opened, and so,
You will be like God;
Good and evil you will know.”

 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree,
Was good and pleasing to the eye,
Plus desirable for gaining wisdom,
She ate it and swallowed the lie.

 She then gave some to her husband,
And to their total surprise,
They realized they were naked;
Now seeing through different eyes.

So they sewed fig leaves together,
And covered their bodies with them.
They heard God walking in the garden,
So they hid in the trees from Him.

The LORD called out, "Where are you?"
Of course He knew what they did.
Adam said, "I heard you in the garden,
And because I was naked, I hid."

 "Who told you that you were naked? God said.
Have you eaten from the forbidden tree?"
"The woman that you put here,” said Adam
“Gave the fruit to me."

 Then the LORD God said to the woman,
"What is this you have done?"
She said, "The serpent deceived me;”
With her first bite, sin had begun.

 So the LORD God told the serpent,
"You are cursed above all animals!
On your belly you will crawl and eat dust,”
Forever dominated by mammals.

 “Malice will be b’tween you and the woman,
Between your offspring and hers;
He will crush your head and you will strike His heel.”
To Jesus His comment refers.

 To the woman The Lord God said,
"With much pain you will give birth.
Your desire will be for your husband,
And he’ll rule over you" here on earth.

“Since you listened to your wife,” He told Adam,
“And ate from the forbidden tree,
Cursed is the ground because of you;
From toil you will never be free.”
“The ground will now produce thorns and thistles,
And you’ll eat the plants nearby.
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food,
Until the day you die.”

“From the dust of the ground you were taken;
And again to dust you’ll return."
That’s when death entered the world,
And things took a drastic turn.

Adam named his wife Eve,
Which means “The mother of mankind.”
Animals were killed for their garments of skin;
Sin and death are now intertwined.

 And God said, "Man is like one of us,
Knowing good and evil, so never,
Never must he take from the tree of life,
And eat, and live forever."

 God drove the man from Eden,
And placed on the Garden’s east side,
An angel with a flaming and flashing sword,
To ensure this tree was denied.

 Satan tickles the ears,
And exposes the eyes to temptation.
When desire gives way to action,
Sin comes to fruition.

Becky Wall

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