
Showing posts with the label A poem based on an Old Testament story about Jezebel. She is still notorious for her evil deeds.


(I Kings 19 - II Kings 9)  Most of Israel’s kings were bad, Few were considered great. King Ahab was the worst of all, He made God quite irate.  Ahab married a foreign princess; Jezebel was her name. The daughter of a Phoenician king, Her wickedness is still her fame.  Jezebel worshiped Baal, The king  built a temple for him. But God is a jealous God; And so He was angry with them.  Ahab and Jezebel led the nation, And idols were forbidden. God wants no gods before Him, And their brazen sin wasn’t hidden.  Sure enough, idol worship caught on; It spread throughout the land. Jezebel was so faithful to Baal, That she didn’t fear God’s hand.  Near the palace was a neighbor’s vineyard, Passed down through each generation. Naboth was now the owner who, Was approached by the king of the nation.  “Let me have your vineyard,” said Ahab. To use for a vege