What is your favorite kind of music? Rock and roll, classical, jazz, country, head-banging music? Have you ever noticed that your music either reflects your mood or changes your mood? If you are excited, you want fast, happy, exciting music. If you are hyper inside, you want head-banging music. If you need peace and quiet, you prefer softer music. If your heart is breaking, you may want to listen to country music (like Achy Breaky Heart).

Do you include Christian music as one of your choices? I did not grow up listening to Christian music on the radio. I was willing to sing it at church or with the family around the piano, but I just couldn't seem to get into it when I heard it on the radio. I preferred rock and roll. I'm a product of the '60's. Rock and roll is fast paced and worldly, which reflected my former life. It's not that I was a bad person. I was a regular church goer, but I didn't give God much thought outside of the church. I was uninterested in developing a relationship with my heavenly Father, so I tuned him out.

When I did turn my life over to God and began to listen to a Christian radio station, I found the music was foreign to me. I was still drawn to rock and roll. But the more I listened to Christian music, the more I came to appreciate it. I began to concentrate on the words. They really spoke to me. Then I noticed the music was catchy, too. I had "grown" to like it.

Now I listen to Christian music exclusively. Each selection that is played is like a sermon in a song. It leads my thinking in the right direction, it reminds me of truths I have forgotten, and it reinforces God's Word. It gives Him more of a chance to speak to me. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I was comforted or lifted up by a song. I prefer that mood to the negative words spoken to me through a worldly song.

You can change your mood by choosing songs with a positive, uplifting message instead of the moody blues or music that makes you want to throw things.


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