
Showing posts from May, 2015


THE JOY OF DYING It is human nature to fear death but is it the hereafter we fear most or the method of death? As a Christian, it is the method I fear. I look forward to the hereafter. We Christians are promised eternal life, no more pain, no sorrow, no sickness, a new and perfect body, riches beyond comprehension, a mansion, beauty all around, and singing angels. I might even be able to sing too, unlike now. Our work on earth will be done and we will have eternal peace. We will see loved ones gone on before and we will finally get to meet Jesus, the one who made all of this possible. There will be no crime, complete trust, no anger, no violence, no sin, period. No one will bully us, intimidate us or make us feel small. Our feelings will never be hurt. Don't cry any tears for me when I die. I can hardly wait. The subject of dying has always fascinated me. Why cry when someone has gone on to heaven? That is the goal. That is the happiest day of life though it is the last d