
Showing posts from April, 2013


TWO WOMEN WIN A WAR   (Judges 4-5) The Israelites were held as slaves, They were captives for 20 years. But once they turned back to God, He took away all their fears. Jabin was Canaan’s king. Sisera was the army commander. They planned to attack the Israelites, And their army was so much grander. With 900 chariots of iron, His army was well known. Though Sisera had the means and might, A woman would pin him down. Deborah was a prophetess; She was also judge number four. She judged under a palm tree, Until she went to war. God had instructed Barak, To deploy 10,000 men, But Barak was in no hurry; After all, God didn’t say when. So Deborah had to remind him, To battle the multitude. But Barak was a bit of a coward; He lacked the fortitude. He said that he would go, If Deborah would go with him, But if she did not go, He wouldn’t war against them. Deborah agreed to go with him, Tho’ she warned him he’d


I AM /Am I (Based on Exodus 3) "Am" is just two letters, That means to continue to be. It's a word that holds such meaning. Add a word or two and you'll see. To Moses God called out; In a burning bush was He. Moses replied, “Here I am ,” As if the bush couldn’t see. “ I am the God of your father, And the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac and Jacob; Sad for their children I am .” “ I am sending you to Egypt, To set my people free.” Moses replied, “Who am I ? They’ll never listen to me!” “I will be with you,” God answered. But Moses questioned his task. “If I say, ‘My God has sent me to you,’ ‘What is his name,’ they will ask.” “ I AM who I AM ,” said God. “Say, ‘ I AM has sent me to you. He gave your ancestors life; And He is your father, too.” Moses made another excuse: “Of speech and tongue I am slow.” “Who gave man his mouth,” God said. “It was I; I will help you—just GO!” But Moses b


AN ARMY RAISED FROM DRY BONES (Ezekiel 37) The prophet Ezekiel went to a valley, Where he had once seen God’s glory, But this time he would witness, What is known as an allegory. The valley was full of dry bones, From an army slain in battle. Though hope was lost for their return, Their bones began to rattle. The Lord told Ezekiel what to say, To the bones in complete disarray. Ezekiel promised their bones would be covered, And be restored right away. Flesh and tendons then covered their bones, Then God breathed His Spirit on them. Hope returned; they were raised from their graves, Where for years they lay limb from limb. God was teaching a lesson To a spiritually dead Hebrew nation. Though spiritually lifeless and cut off from God, There was hope for transformation. May this story teach each one of us, Who from sin have not survived. Whether a person or a nation, There is hope we can be revived. Becky L. Wall


THE FIRST SIN BROUGHT TO FRUITION (Genesis 2) Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, Lived in the Garden of Eden. They could eat the fruit of any tree, But the one in the middle was forbidden. Adam and Eve were both naked, And yet they felt no shame. Sin had not yet entered the world, Until the devil came.  As a serpent he was the craftiest, Of all the creatures God made. He could walk and he could talk, And with a forked tongue persuade.  He asked the woman if God really said, Not to eat from any tree. Knowing the answer, this was part of his plan; To keep man from being sin-free.  “The fruit of the trees we may eat,” said Eve. “But one we must deny. If we touch or eat from the tree in the middle, We will surely die.”  After laying the groundwork of his plan, The serpent told her a lie. The sneaky snake told the woman, "You will not surely die.”  “God knows that when you eat of it, Your eyes will be opened,


KISS OF JUDAS, KISS OF DEATH God had devised a Master plan, And the end was about to start. His Son He sent to earth to die, And Judas would play a part. Treasurer to the twelve, Is the position he was given When Christ gave Judas this task, He knew, By money he was driven. His love for money filled his heart, And every time he stole, Satan would get a piece of him, ‘Til he finally had his soul. For Satan also had a plan, In which Jesus would have to die. To bring his plan to fruition, On Judas he would rely. Thirty pieces of silver were offered, To Judas, whose heart was cold. By this friend, His chosen disciple, The Son of God was sold. The twelve were having supper, With Jesus, it would be their last. Christ broke the bread and poured the wine, Then to each the communion was passed. “Someone here will betray me,” Said Jesus to them that day. “Is it I,” “Is it I,” the disciples asked. Judas then ran away.


LIKELY STORIES FOR JUDGMENT DAY When an angel heralds, “Here comes the Judge!” What will be your plea? Will you bargain to get your sentence reduced, To sin in the second degree? Will you say you couldn’t help yourself, From uncontrollable advances, Or your parents made you what you are; You’re a victim of circumstances? Will you put on a humble face, And pretend sincerity, In a roundabout way blame others, Or claim insanity? You can plead The Fifth if you want; Better to admit you blew it. Never, ever use the defense, “The devil made me do it.” You can use in your final arguments, “There was sin, but I didn’t do it.” It will never help your case to insist, “That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.” A sentence of hell will not be reduced, It won’t help to cry and wail. Don’t bother to call a bondsman, For you won’t get out on bail. Beg now for mercy and pardon; From Jesus, who came to save. He died in your place, b