
Showing posts from May, 2023


  THE POWER OF WORDS “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” How many of you believe that? Those words are ontrary to scripture. There is great power in words. They are greater than brute force with the exception that they can’t directly take another person’s life, though they can order it done. One can be a paraplegic and still have great power with the words he or she speaks. A king of Heracleopolis said to his son, who was his successor: Be skillful in speech, that you may be strong…Words are braver than all fighting.” He said this in 2040 B.C., over 4,000 years ago. Keith Green’s lists the different kinds of tongues, good and bad, in one of his pamphlets: Psalm 5:9 – a flattering tongue   Psalm 12:3, 73:9 – a proud tongue Psalm 109:2, Prov. 6:17) – a lying tongue Psalm 120:2 – a deceitful tongue Psalm 139:20b  -  Prov 10:31, 17:20 – a perverted tongue Prov. 15:4 – a soothing tongue Prov. 12:18 – a healing tongue Prov 17:4 – a destructive tongue Ps. 10: