Meanwhile back at the ranch,
The brothers dipped the coat in blood.
They showed the coat to their father,
And Jacob, their dad, cried a flood.

The brothers told Jacob a story,
Of how the blood got there.
Saying Joseph was mauled by wild animals.
It was more than the dad could bear.

Many years later a drought hit the land,
And crops won’t grow without rain.
So the family contemplated,
Just how they might get grain.

They heard that Egypt had food;
There the stockpiles of grain were large.
And so they went, not knowing,
Their brother was the one in charge.

For he dressed just like an Egyptian,
And he was now a fully grown man.
When Joseph saw his brothers,
He formulated a plan.

He sought news of the rest of the family,
While studying their attitude.
He gave them all the grain he could;
They responded with gratitude.
He tested the older brothers,
But they were honest and true.
They still didn’t know that the man in charge,
Was someone that they knew.

Joseph longed to see Benjamin.
He was pleased whenever he learned,
His young brother and father were living,
And so for them he yearned.

The brothers returned with Benjamin,
Though Ben didn’t understand why.
The brothers were very protective of him,
Their response made Joseph cry.

He then revealed himself to them,
And at first they tho’t he’d be mad.
But Joseph welcomed them into his home,
Though toward him they had been bad.

Knowing what the future would bring,
God put him in the place he stood.
For what the brothers meant for bad,
God meant for the good.

The brothers brought their father,
And Joseph made Egypt their home.
There they would live over 400 years,
Then for 40 more they would roam.

 --Becky Wall



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