“The thrills are gone, our marriage is work,
“The thrills are gone, our marriage is work,
Why did your good looks fade?
I will just dispose of you;
For another I will trade.”
“Nag, nag, nag, that’s all she does,
What right has she to complain?
I will just divorce her;
That should end my pain.”
“What’s that you say? You are with child;
Have you lost your wit?
How could you let that happen?
Let’s just get rid of ‘it.’”
Though spouses are disposed of,
And children thrown away.
There's One who will retrieve them;
We'll see Him on Judgment Day.
Becky Wall
Note: Wrong choices, also known as sin, should be confessed along with repentance and God promises to forgive. Repentance involves turning your life around, changing your thinking and behavior to be more in line with what God wants.
"'The man who hates and divorces his wife,' says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'does violence to the one he should protect,' says the Lord Almighty." It is not clear what the word "violence" entails in this verse. It may be what we call "passive aggression" today. No blows are thrown but deep pain is committed mentally and/or emotionally by the one who should be protecting her from such pain.
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