(Ex. 20:1-17 & Deut. 5:6-21)


You shall have no gods before me.

Do not make or pray to an idol.

For I am a jealous God,

On your heart I want a bridle.


Do not misuse my name;

In a way without true meaning.

I am outraged when my name is exclaimed,

I think of it as demeaning.


Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy;

Six days you shall do all your work.

The seventh day is mine alone,

So relax; your work you can shirk.


For in six days I made the heavens,

And all life in the earth and sea.

I rested on the seventh day;

I blessed it and declared it holy.


Honor your father and mother,

So you may live long in the land.

Do not murder, be true to your spouse,

And do not steal with your hand.


Do not lie about anyone.

Don’t covet what belongs to your neighbor.

If you will keep these commandments,

With Me you will find favor.

--Becky Wall


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