Once there was a man named Luke Warm. He loved the Lord, or so he said. He valued his time off work on Sundays so he didn't always go to church. Once in a while he would help out when asked, as long as it was something he didn't mind doing. 
    It was important to Luke to attend church on Easter and Christmas because he wanted to show the Lord how faithful he was. He dressed up in his finest clothes on those Sundays and sat with the elite. He sure didn't want to sit with the low class sinners.
    Mr. Warm thought about praying over his meals when he ate in a restaurant but was embarrassed that someone would see him. He always meant to pray over meals at home but he ate in front of the tv and he didn't want to miss anything on the news. Other times he would just forget.
    Mrs. Warm went along with what he did, as did the kids. He never gave their salvation a thought. He decided he would leave it up to them to choose whether or not they would go to church. After all, Luke didn't want to force it on them. 
    He kept up with the latest politics and laws and was quick to accept them above Bible teachings. He thought once laws were made, they became acceptable no matter what the Bible says. He never spoke up about right or wrong, however, because in his mind religion and politics didn't mix, and there was the separation of church and state law which he was in error to believe.
    Luke wanted to give a tithe to the church on Easter and at Christmas but he had already spent his money on bills, food for the holiday gatherings, and many presents.
    He thought about reading the Bible but someone was always around and he didn't want them to see him as a weak man or stuffy. Besides, he didn't understand much of it and reading made him sleepy.
    He knew a day of reckoning was coming but Luke Warm wasn't worried. After all, he was a good person and he knew God was a loving God and would welcome all good people into heaven whether or not they had a relationship with Him. 

Revelation 3:16 - So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. (KJV)

Revelation 3:16 - So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. (NIV)

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