A pet is usually a humble friend,
A comfort in times of troubles.
He may help relieve you of stress,
With his antics and friendly cuddles.

But beware of pets who may turn on you,
That will harm you again and again.
Be wise and forget the fun you had,
Especially if your pet is a sin.

Pet sins will drive you away from God;
They will always hurt your spouse.
Your health and well being will suffer;
You yourself will feel like a louse.

Still, you will love it and not know why;
You won't want to let it go.
You may think of it as your partner;
Life with it may be all that you know.

Then when you try to get rid of it,
Its teeth and claws will dig in.
Fear of your pet will consume you;
You will think that you just can't win.

Who can save you from its evil grasp?
Who can set you free?
Just reach your hand out to Jesus;
Keep your hand in His--that's the key.

But your pet will lie in wait for you,
Lurk in every corner of your will.
Just don't let go of Jesus,
Or your pet may go for the kill.

Becky L.Wall
