How fitting that Valentine's Day, the day love is shown in a special way, falls between Christmas and Easter, as if to bridge the crib and the cross together. For God loved us so much that he sent His one and only Son to begin life in the womb of a virgin, live a life of hardship and rejection while showing only love, then dying as a result of being beaten, then nailed to a cross. No man has ever shown greater love than this.
Just how big is God's love? According to scripture, it fills the earth, and is as high as the heavens are above the earth. There is no telescope powerful enough to see past that point. Each more powerful telescope reveals more "heavens" past the ones in which scientists were aware. Satellites traveling at great speeds past vast distances are as if they had never left the ground when compared to the vastness of the heavens. God's love is infinite.
God's love is as far as the East is from the West. We can get in our cars and travel West for the rest of our lives, and we will still be going West. We can travel East for the rest of our lives and still be going East. God's love is never-ending.
His love is from everlasting to everlasting. It is without beginning or end. It not only goes back to the time before we were formed in our mother's wombs, but before He formed the earth. It will go on forever.
Christ's love is as strong as death. Death is powerful because, once it occurs, flesh and blood life is no longer possible. But God's love is actually stronger than death in that it overcame death through His Son, Jesus, so that we, too, can overcome the power of death and live for an eternity in heaven.
Waters cannot quench the fire of God's love; it is undying. Money cannot buy it; it is priceless. Works cannot earn it; one cannot work that hard or long. His burning love is a free gift which we have only to receive. In fact, it is there whether or not we receive it. Our salvation as faithful Christians is secured in the power of God's love.
It is up to us to show God's infinite, unbroken, powerful love by example through our attitude and actions, not out of duty or works, but because we love God who first loved us.
--Becky Wall
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