Genesis is the first book of the Bible and it means "The beginning."

God created the world in six days and rested on the 7th.

He created Adam first, then Eve. They lived in the Garden of Eden.

Satan took the form of a serpent and tempted Eve with fruit that God had forbidden them to eat. She encouraged Adam to eat the fruit and this became the first sin.

God was angry with them and drove them out of the Garden telling Adam he would have to toil the soil and Eve would suffer pain in childbirth.

Adam and Eve had 3 sons we know of but likely had more. They were: Cain, Abel and Seth, in that order.

Cain lured Abel into a field then killed Abel with a rock because he was jealous of him. So the first human death was a murder, a murder of a close family member.

God banned Cain from the land and sent him to Nod.

The people lived hundreds of years in those days so the earth began to populate quickly.

Jesus's lineage is traced back to Seth.

The people decided to build a tower to heaven which was called the Tower of Babel. This made God angry because othe people were acting high and mighty and so he confused the people by giving them different languages. The people grouped according to their given language.

Methuselah, Noah's grandfather, was the oldest man who ever lived:  969

Noah and the ark.

The earth becomes re-populated.

Shem, Ham and Japeth were Noah's sons.

Moses and other babies were ordered to be killed by the king.

His mother put him in a basket covered in pitch to keep water out and put him in the bulrushes. Then she told her daughter to watch what happened next. Pharoah's daughter went down to the water and one of her slave girls discovered Moses and brought him to Pharoah's daughter. She needed a nursemaid so while they were still in the bulrushes Moses's sister asked if Pharoah's daughter would like for her to find a nursemaid for the baby. Pharoah's daughter raised him as her own in the palace and his mother was the nursemaid.

Moses knew he was Hebrew and when he saw a Hebrew being mistreated, he killed the man who was trying to kill the Hebrew man. He was found out and knew he had to flee. He went to the desert area where he met a woman and married. He worked for her father as a shepherd. He had been in the desert 40 years when he saw a burning bush. The Lord spoke to him trough the bush and told him to go to Pharoah and ask him to let the Lord's people go. They had been slaves for 400 years. Each time Pharoah refused, God sent another plague, the last one being the death of the firstborn of the Egyptians. God sent a total of 10 plagues.

Pharoah relented after losing his own son but then regretted his decision and went after the people to reclaim them as his slaves.

Moses parted the Red Sea so the people could cross and when Pharoah and his army tried to cross, the pathway refilled with water and drowned them.

The people grumbled and complained while seeking the Holy Land, though they were finally free from slavery. God sent Joshua and Caleb into what would be the Holy Land to spy on them and gather information about the land. Joshua and Caleb brought back news about the giants and giant grape clusters but were ready to invade Jericho. But other spies and many of the people were too scared and complained instead of trusting God. God got tired of their complaining and lack of faith and made them wait 40 years wandering in the desert to enter Jericho.

During those 40 years Moses climbed Mt. Moriah where he was given the Ten Commandments written by the finger of God on stone tablets.

At the request of the people, Aaron, Moses's brother, built an idol of a golden calf while Moses was on the mountain. The people celebrated with orgies.

Moses threw the 10 Commandments to the ground in anger when he saw what was going on.

Moses went back up on the mountain to get another "copy" of the 10 Commandments.

They worshiped in a tabernacle or a large portable tent.

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