(Based on Mt 7:24-27)

When a wise man goes to build a house,
He lays his foundation on rock.
When the rains come, and the winds blow,
He has the strongest house on the block.

If a foolish man builds his house on sand,
And rain and winds start to lash,
The shifting foundation will not withstand,
And his house will fall with a crash.

Christ should be the cornerstone,
To insure a solid foundation.
His Word provides the blueprint,
For each person and for a nation.

So build on Christ--a solid rock,
And not on sinking sand;
Your house will stay together,
If it is built by the Master’s hand.

Becky Overturf Wall

Note: Your house is the one that holds your heart and soul. It also applies to families and nations.


  1. On Christ the solid rock I stand I stand I stand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.


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